Igbo group backs Ambode, dumps PDP for APC

Members of Igbo groups in Lagos State who were card-carrying members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) have decamped en-masse to ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), saying they resolved to join the APC based on the performances of the state governor, Mr Akinwunmi Ambode, who they said is determined to make Lagos a Mega, Smart City.

The defection took place in Ifako Local Government Area of the state, with the defectors received by Governor Akinwunmi Ambode’s support group, Itesiwaju Ipinle Eko Vanguard receiving them into its fold.

Speaking on behalf of the defectors, their leader, Eze Ohazurike, said his people resolved to dump PDP for APC decision in order to support Governor Ambode for another term in office based on the fact that he had evidently performed extremely well.

“Our decision to support him for another term in office is based on the fact that he has performed extremely well; we can all see that everything that he has done in Lagos State, no other state has been able to do that.

“He has done very well and there is still a continuation of a lot of things which the Governor is actively implementing. We are here reaffirming our position because we have already endorsed him before now,” Ohazurike said.

“We want the governor to continue his mentoring in all the 20 Local Governments and 37 Local Council Development Areas of the state towards effecting the ongoing development at the grassroots,” he added.

The State Coordinator of Itesiwaju Ipinle Eko Vanguard, Hon. Seyi Bamigbade, who facilitated the defection, said the IIEV was willing to accommodate more people that would work for targeted five million votes for Governor Akinwunmi Ambode in the 2019 General Election.

“We assure you that your coming is an indication and testimony to the good things Governor Akinwunmi Ambode has been doing to enhance the standard of living of the people of Lagos State,” Bamigbade said.

The coordinator urged Lagosians to use the opportunity of the ongoing exercise to collect their PVCs, urging the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) officials to show more commitment.

Also speaking, the former Executive Secretary of the Local Government, Hon. Fausat Hassan Olajoku, said, “APC has been waxing stronger and has become more united. More people will soon join the party through Itesiwaju Ipinle Eko Vanguard and we will collectively work to ensure its success at all levels during the forthcoming general election.”

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