Sad! Two people trying to deceive 200m people

By ‘Fisayo Soyombo

Two people are trying to deceive roughly two (hundred) million people. It cannot work!

One, posturing as Mr. Integrity, Mr Incorruptible, uses state powers to ruffle a man whose impending defection from his party will alter the power dynamics ahead of 2019.

Mr. Self-Styled Integrity knows Mr. Defector has some skeleton in his cupboard, and will exploit this to the fullest to the benefit of his political interest. It’s an all-familiar power game, quite alright; he isn’t the first to do it and obviously won’t be the last. Only problem is, this is not how integrity works.

The other, Mr. Victim, Mr. Persecuted, is somewhere in his corner scheming how best to profit from the whole charade by garnering sympathy public affection ahead of his 2019 move.

He knows Mr. Integrity is riding his luck too far and the victimhood card is one the Nigerian public is very often stuck on.

He is doing everything, including delay tactic, to use his defection to prevent state forces from exposing the skeletons in his cupboard.

Two men can’t knock the heads of 200million people against one another. This is the Pretender versus the Deceiver.

This is Muhammadu Buhari versus Bukola Saraki, and I am for/with neither of them.

As usual, and for each party, this is about selfish personal/political interests. It’s not one bit about the people!

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