Yahoo ++, pants theft: Shame of a nation

By: Ebube Okeke

It would be improper to go straight into this discussion, without a little insight on the subject matter.

“YAHOO”, a slang used for fraud! The name originated as a result of the fact that the early form of this fraud was done via the yahoo mail.

But with expansion of technology, this fraudulent practices has been done through other social media platforms, as well as carefully thought out methods to prevent them from being caught.

The PANT ROBBERY has been the latest addition to the list of unscrupulous acts carried out in Nigeria today, as the pants are being used to gain quick money or lead to massive yahoo luck which in turn gives “quick money”.

This act has been practiced by ruthless youths who do not believe in hardwork.

This act has a lot of side effects and has brought shame to the country just like a foolish child brings sadness and shame to its parent. International business men are afraid of this country; they are afraid to invest, afraid to live here, afraid to send their children down here or even be affiliated to this country.

The reasons are not new to us as we have seen several cases were “white” men have been defrauded by Nigerians. In the month of September, on the “STEVE HARVEY SHOW” a “white” woman claimed to have been defrauded by a boy living in “Ekpoma, Edo State”, in response to her plight Steve Harvey screamed “what a shame”.

It is a shame really, to have able bodied young people who can work and raise funds but have refused and have decided to strip others of their hard earned money.

To top it all, the men now go about stealing pants. How funny? They prefer to target and steal pants than to target and make use of a great opportunity such as a job opening or an entrepreneur training program.

They prefer to destroy another person’s life by using their pants for ritual, rather than making a great deal of their own lives then impacting others!

It is a shame that certain Nigerians have lost sight of morals and values and have decided to turn a leaf at becoming the devil.

It would interest you to know that a person who defrauds and steal is a liar and a lawless person, that is why we have a lot of tyrants who disobey simple rules and regulation guiding the country, that is why we have high rate of rape and child trafficking as well as other heartbreaking stories.

This whole thing centres on the fact that the youths who are supposed to be the pride of a nation are the ones constantly bringing shame to the country with all this acts that drive away the citizens of this country as well as outsiders. Today, about 50% of Nigerians want to go abroad because of how calm they think it is.

Despite how shameful the situation is it can be curbed. Starting with right upbringing and teaching children the values of honesty and hard work, to making sure moral instruction and core human values are taught in schools, to organising public enlightenment on the negative effect of these acts, to providing jobs and training programs that enable youths to be busy.

Lastly making sure whoever is caught is punished according to the law in order to scare others from engagement in such.

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