[Opinion] The Stupidity Of Juju In 21st Century

For those of you who still believe in the potency of juju…are you telling me that if you keep one million dollars in the most ‘powerful’ shrine in Africa and everybody is aware that armed security men are not guiding it…that people or someone or some bad boys will not break in and take the money unchallenged?

Can the juju or voodoo or whatever you call it stop people from carrying the money?

If money ritual is not a lie, why would the federal government instead of killing people and using them for money rituals resort to going to China and America or Europe to borrow money and keep us in pepertual debt? Or you think it’s difficult for the government to kill people even if they need to kill hundreds everyday?

How come with all our juju… Africans most especially the blacks cannot win the world cup or club world cup even once?

If our juju cannot build sky scrappers, fly planes, invent phones that can beat the Apple technology, build cars, create computers, improve our hospitals where our parents and siblings are dying everyday, help our school curriculum, help us travel to the moon and other planets, create employment and build good economy for African countries where citizens are dying of poverty in geometric progression, then, it’s rubbish.

Science and technology is the juju the world know. Science is not white men juju. Science is the knowledge gained by observation and experiment, Carefully arranged by testing of facts.

Thomas Edison tested the light bulb 999 times before he got it right at the 1000th time; that was not juju that was science. science takes a long time of experimenting and trial and error, juju should be once or twice since the so called spirits are behind.

The world is ruled by science and technology and so shall it remain. Science is superior to any diabolic powers that is why Indians had to forgo diabolism for medicine before they could get it right.

Juju is magic and magic is a trick…only the practitioners knows the trick, lie and deception beneath it.

Only an idiot in this 21st century will still come online to defend diabolism when your mates in China, Europe, Australia and America are the ones who created the phone you are using to display your stupidity.

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