[Opinion] Biden Has Started On A Wrong Note

By Idang Alibi 

Not that it really mattered. But a humble me and millions of other reasonable, thoughtful and God-fearing persons on the earth were not on the side of USA President Joe Biden during the campaign for the presidency. We were firmly on the side of former President Donald Trump. We got called dumb and nitwits by many on Biden’s side in an election where our stand or feeling was absolutely of no significance because we will not cast any vote in it.

But we nevertheless expended our emotions on it because American presidents tend to have enormous influence on the world either for good or for evil whether a people had any say on who will eventually emerge or not. In a word, our ‘participation’ was merely symbolic of our wish.

Some of us who opposed Biden did so not because we had any problem with his person or his character. We did not want him because of what he represents. We knew that once he gets to that office, he will be pro-condom, pro- abortion, pro- gay rights, pro aggressive promotion of ‘democracy’ abroad which means killing human beings who are non-Americans because they are not doing what America likes and pro-everything that God detests.

Sadly, our worst fears about Biden have just been confirmed with the appointment of an openly gay man into his cabinet two or so weeks ago. I will not call that man’s name and the name of his ‘man-wife’ because it will be supporting an offence I deeply detest by glorifying the names of the abominators. But let me say that the picture of that man and his man-wife engaged in a deep, passionate kiss with their whole beings involved in it has remained etched in my memory. Each time I recall it, I get the creeps. It gives my entire body goose pimples.

As if intended to punish some of us, that picture has remained on many social media platforms and each time I open to facebook and behold that picture, I am filled with deep revulsion. And that is what the gay community wants. They want us to continue to see such pictures so that our inhibitions are removed, our shock is denumbed and we come to accept ‘such things’ as a new normal or cool. That man’s appointment is a great coup by the gay and queer people. They have gained all that they have been struggling over the years to achieve namely, to mainstream the gay lifestyle.

We were told that because we are dumbwits, the smart Donald Trump took advantage of us. That he pretended he was a Christian in order to deceive us, especially we the Evangelicals. How I love to be called that name because it makes me feel that I have become like an angel or someone close to God. But even in our dumbwitedness, we recognized that even with Trump’s horrible past, he saw that there is something wrong with gayism and took a stand against it. Maybe that was a moment of his penitence but that is all what God wants from us. No matter how terrible your past, the moment you come to an understanding, forsake it and turn a new leaf. Do not keep lamenting about your ugly past. Just turn from bad to good and keep pursuing the good you now know. Do not bother about what those incurable critics/pessimists/mockers will say. No one can satisfy those ones at all.

Yes, Trump appointed gay people into his cabinet but the difference is that Trump’s gay people were closet gays. They knew there is something wrong with what they are doing or that society does not approve of it; they are possibly ashamed of themselves and did not want to present themselves publicly as gays. But these ones of Biden, they are something else. They are a take- it- or leave- it kind of people. A people of impunity. And impunity is what our God hates the most about his creatures.

Some people say God hates pretenders and that is why he prospers wicked people because they do not pretend. I do not think I agree with those who say this. I think pretending contains some element of remorsefulness or an admission that what you ae doing is not quite right and that you will not like to do it if you had the power to overcome it. But the wicked are people like that Biden homosexual who tell themselves and the rest of the world that there is nothing wrong with what we are doing and there is no chance we will ever stop doing what the majority is saying is wrong. That is my own simple distinction between the so-called pretenders and the openly wicked. Let us not confuse things in order to justify the unjustifiable, please.

Again, let me make it clear that gayism is not a disease or a natural inclination; it is a learned or nurtured aberrant behavior in clear violation of the clear order of God. Let me tell Biden, the top hierarchy of the Democratic Party and their supporters all over the world that homosexuality or lesbianism has nothing to do with human rights. While they carry on about human rights, let them also remember that they are Godly rights also.

We the straight are concerned because their abominable, aberrant behavior has spiritual, social and physical implication for not only themselves but all of humanity. They gay people did not create themselves. At least that, they admit. And if they did not create themselves, it means they must listen to the instruction of their manufacturer/creator and how they must use or not use members of their body. We have been taught about the history of Sodom and Gomora and how they were destroyed on account of unrepentant homosexuals. We have that history to guide us and when we rail against unrepentant homosexuals, we are worried for ourselves more than we are worried about them.

If you are human and whether man or woman, when you see the picture of that Biden Transport minister kissing his man-wife, you will feel that that is wrong. Compare that picture with another trending picture, the one in which former President Bush kissed Michelle Obama and Obama’s reaction to what was going on. You will see a human reaction in full display. By the way, was the Bush action a kiss or a peck? As a shy old school man I have not been able to fully watch or see that picture to decipher for myself whether it was a full kiss on the lips or a polite peck expressing a simple goodwill gesture.

Since I first saw that Bush/ Michelle picture, it has been evoking in my mind the question in the famous love scene in Romeo and Juliet in which, was it Romeo or Juliet, asked the other, ‘’Is it the nightingale or the lac that sings so sweetly about the dawn of the day?’’ Was what Bush did a kiss or a peck and what is the meaning of that Obama’s expression? It was a scowl and I perceive that Obama was saying, ‘Look at this bush man. How can he kiss somebody’s wife like that? Or he was saying, ‘’Look at this Michelle. How can she appear to be enjoying another man’s kiss in front of her husband and the whole world?

What I am trying to say here is that while one picture gives several billions of people on the earth creeps, another is evoking a universal human interest about the propriety of a public display of affection towards another man’s wife. Obama’s sexual jealousy was certainly aroused in that Bush kiss or peck.

The gay community want to normalize their aberrant behavior so that it will become an acceptable conduct but we have a duty to fight them and keep that behavior an utterly unacceptable one.

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