10 Benefits of SEX

benefits of SEX

This specific topic makes some people cringe at the bare mention of it.  But the thing is, no matter how you see it, Sex has its benefits. Well as a married person, ​​it is more safer to explore it as much as you want.

And most times people who are sexually active benefits a lot health wise than those who aren’t active passively or entirely.

So sexual activities don’t just make you feel good, but it contributes to your health.

Here I’ll be writing on 10 of those benefits.

1. Increase your sex urge: if you’re interested in increasing your libido, then being active sexually can help you achieve that, as it makes you get better in bed.

2. Burns out calories: Yes, sex is also counted as a good exercise which easily burns out calories. So if you’re looking to burn your fat, being sexually active is s great way to do that.

3. Reduces risk on heart attack: Studies shows that because sexual activities keeps your heart rate up hence your estrogen and testosterone levels are very balanced. So this helps prevent the possibility of getting heart attack soon especially in men.

4. Reduces the risk of prostate cancer: Just like it reduces the risk if heart attack in men, it also reduces the risk of prostate cancer still in men.

5. Edges off pain: orgasms helps block out pain. So if you feel headaches or pains, you could reach for an Orgasm before grabbing any pain killer.

6. Improves sleep and eases stress: Sex help you sleep a lot better and also eases stress. So if you have trouble sleeping or getting a good rest, try having a good sex, and see the results.

7. Improves women bladder: At some point in a woman’s life, they suffer from a poor pelvic floor. So to avoid that, a good sex Is recommended as a strong pelvic floor muscles is very important to a woman.

8. Lowers blood pressure: sexual intercourse and not masturbation helps lower blood pressure for those who suffer high blood pressure.

9. Relief from menstrual cramps: Study shows that some woman get relief from menstrual cramps when they orgasm. Although not everyone would want to try this, I mean having sex when menstruating. But if your partner accepts, then it can help ease cramps.

10. Gives you a better glow: after sex, there is a glow that comes with it as a result of the stress relief and good sleep combined. And it makes your skin looks younger.

So these are the benefits of sex. You can try being more sexually active to see these benefits.

Thanks for reading. Trust this was helpful.

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