Understanding your Ovulation Cycle as a woman

As a woman, Ovulation is the period when your ovarian gland release matured follicle egg into your Fallopian tube waiting for SPERM to fertilize it. So when we talk about the ovulation period, it is simply the time a woman’s eggs are ready to get fertilized by a man’s sperm. And if not fertilized, the eggs get discharged as blood hence the menstrual period time.

Ovulation normally occurs every 14th days of each cycle, Most time when a woman Menstruate on 5th of December, there’s a tendency she would still menstruate on the 30th of December. That doesn’t mean she is having her period twice in a month. Such woman’s Menstrual cycle length is called the 25days cycle. It Is a very simple procedure, just start your day count from the first day of bleeding to the number of your menstrual day cycle which tells you your next period of Menstrual bleeding.

To Know how to count your cycle date, follow this example. Now, let’s say 5th is first day of your menstrual bleeding, just count from 5th as your number 1 day to the 28 day. The date which it lands on is your next menstrual date, That is using the 28 day cycle. If yours is 25 days cycle or 30 days cycle, just follow the same procedure.

Average range of Menstrual cycle length is 28days, which mean any candidate that belong to this cycle length must definitely ovulate between 12th to 16th day of her cycle.

Any woman with 30days Menstrual cycle length must definitely ovulate on 14th to 18th day of her Menstrual cycle. Is also a simple estimation, Just add two days before and after ovulation purposely because there is a chance for pregnancy to occur two days after ovulation.

Any woman with short cycle length which is 21 Menstrual cycle length could ovulate during her Menstrual period or soon after her Menstruation days.

Those 21days candidate often experience ovulation mucus during menstruation,likewise often develop orgasm while they are menstruating. In general, they have similar ovulation symptoms that 28days and 30days candidate have.

Any woman with 35days which is long Menstrual cycle length could also ovulate between 12th to 18days of cycle.

All woman should aware that without ovulation,the chance of Pregnancy is low.

If your Menstrual date keeps changing every menstrual cycle, that doesn’t mean you are having irregular Menstrual cycle. Most women get confused in this situation.

If you really want to figure out your menstrual cycle length, you need to focus on date you had your period at least for good three months, Get yourself a calendar and start cycling the first day Menstrual Bleeding, cycle the day you also see another period bleeding. Make your estimation on numbers of days in between the first day bleeding to the day before you see another Menstrual bleeding. OR BUY AN OVULATION PREDICTOR KIT.
But If you are 28days cycle length and suddenly your cycle changes to 35days cycle length, Definite you are suffering from an irregular Menstrual cycle.

If you are 30days cycle length and suddenly change to 21days cycle length,that indicate irregular Menstrual cycle.

A smiling lady


Most women get confused toward Cervical mucus, if you have never see any cervical mucus in your private part, that doesn’t mean you are not ovulating but you must ensure that you expect one or two signs and symptoms of ovulation. Here are the signs involved.

1.Cervical Mucus.

2.BREAST pain and tenderness.

3.Slight abdominal pain

4.Rise in body temperature.

5.Reach orgasm (Feeling like having sex)

6.Vagina spotting with cervical mucus.

7.Mood change.

Ovulation is the period to get pregnant no matter how much your HORMONE and uterus is healthy. You can follow up your ovulation period avoid unwanted pregnancy.

A sleeping lady.

All images gotten from Stock images.

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