A Nigerian Lecturer gives $100 to ten students who attended his first class – RUMORS

There is a rumor going about A lecturer at the University of Ibadan named Dr. Bisi who rewarded students that showed up for his first class following the reopening of school.

He debunked the rumors via his tweeter handle. He made it clear that those were false news.

Dr. Bisi debunking the rumor on his tweeter handle

Although the news made waves as Citizens were excited by such a gesture. Many thought it was a good way to encourage students to return to school and resume lectures fully.

However, we hope students are motivated to resume none the less. Well, here are pictures from the false circulations about the lecturer and his $100 reward to students who showed up to his first class.

The lecturer, Dr. Bisi
A student showing $100 note…. But not from Dr Bisi
A student who missed out on the money, making a post about it…. But it’s false News

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