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Open letter to South-East Governors: South-East economy in a Post oil and Restructured Nigeria



Dr.Osy Agbo has challenged the South East Governors to reorient their goals and prepare for the rainy day

Dr. Agbo who is based Texas (United States) over the weekend, wrote an open letter to the Governor, urging them to focus on the common good of the people, especially in preparation for post oil and restructured Nigeria.

“Personal success cannot insulate you from the failures of your society and the joy of material things are only but temporal. True and lasting happiness comes from the service of humanity. Today we will remind you to honour your vow. To lead and to protect the Igbo nation”.

The letter obtained by reads:

Gov. David Umahi


Yo​​ur Excellency 

Egnr. Dave Nweze Umahi

Executive Governor of Ebonyi State &

Chairman,South-East Governors’s forum

Government House


January  21,2020

Your Excellenices,

The Executive Governors,

Re: The South-East economy in a Post oil and Restructured Nigeria.

I hope it’s not too late to extend my hearty congratulations on your recent re-elections! Well. It’s been a couple of months now since you stood in front of our people and repeated those solemn oath. The vow to lead and protect. Though some may argue that the processes that foisted you are far from free and fair ,fact still remains that you are now custodians of a sacred mandate.

The mandate to pilot the affairs of Ndigbo in a way that we can at least dare to dream for a better future, having lost so many years to the locust. Am sure during those formative years, your excellencies may not have been the best brains or the most gifted hands in the mix.

Your wildest dream may not have taken you anywhere close to this mountain top. But here you are today, chosen to lead among men. As a people with deep rooted belief in the omnipotence of Chukwuokikeabiama, I think it’s safe to say the divine lent a hand in your ascent. 

I seek to address your excellencies today for two reasons. One, as the group entrusted to lead an estimated 40 million Ndigbo whose destiny and experience in this country are inextricably interwoven.

Two ,by virtues of this position you now occupy ,only you at this moment have the power to position the South-East region to the path of sustainable economic development and prosperity.

Anambra State Governor Obiano

Needless to say we are living in challenging times. Not only is Nigeria tettering on the precipice, our region where you hold sway and are undeniably biggest players is facing a monumental socio-economic and political crisis. Before you jump the gun, I would caution that the premise of this letter is not to recite our litany of woes. We have had enough of that already.

You will agree with me that the restructuring of this entity called Nigeria is on the horizon. Most policy experts are unanimous in the belief that it’s the only option left if a post oil Nigeria will continue to exist. And so it’s no more a question of if but when. Abuja knows this too well even as she drags her feet to continues to live off of the last proceeds coming from the black gold. The question is how are your excellencies preparing our region for a post oil and restructured Nigeria?

Late last year, some of our nation’s brightest minds converged in Lagos, under the auspices of Pastor Poju Oyemade led “The Platform”. It was to jaw-jaw on the way forward for a nation in crisis. The topic was “Redesigning the Nigerian Economy with new Ideas”. One of the highlight was the Q&A session that featured the current Lagos state Governor, Mr.Babajide Sanwo-Olu. 

The audience followed with excitement as he clearly laid out both short ,medium and long term plan on how Lagos is positioning for the future. He went from detailing his plan on decongesting the perennial Lagos traffic to issuing a recipe to promoting quality education.

He explained how Lagos will be introducing an electronic tracking devices to monitors teachers attendance and how his government have taken delivery of modern commuter trains.

Its no secret that the south west already play host to more than their proportionate share of small, medium and large scale industries in Nigeria. The region remains the favored destination of new capital. The south-west is seriously matching forward to the future.

It’s no doubt that Ndigbo parades many of the best brain and world class intellectuals . Even in the said conference, our own Prof Chukwuma Soludo and ex-Gov Peter Obi delivered powerful speeches and offered sound prescriptions. We are a people with unending quest for creativity and known for our ingenuity. We exhibit an uncommon can-do spirit. But it seems that’s all their is for us today.

Since the return to the civil rule in 1999,how many new industries have called the south east home? Have you ever stopped to wonder what happened to Aba, our commercial city that was once the hub of local technology and innovation in the west African sub-region? How come little Asaba has an airport yet Onitsha with its famed large volume of businesses has none? I could go on and on but am sure you get the sense. How are our governors planning for the future of our region on the eve of restructuring Nigeria? 

Governor Ugwuanyi

Your excellencies,I put it to you without equivocation that today, Ndigbo as a group is punching far below her weight. The existing infrastructure in our various states can’t even support artisans let alone provide the impetus for the desperately needed industrial base to survive a post oil Nigeria. As I write you, the only international airport serving our estimated 40 million people is closed down for repair for months now as we continue to hope that at some point, it will reopen for business. The economic toll can only be imagined. Our interstate road network is so horrible that it cripples economic activities between our sister states. The security challenges are so high in the region that even our own people would rather stay in a foreign soil than come home to invest in our land. Am sure you will argue those are federal roads and that Abuja is in charge of the airports as well as control of the existing security apparatus, all of which are true. But that is only if you believe that Ndigbo cannot do anything as a people   without cap in hand begging for help from Abuja. With effective and purposeful leadership, we can construct our own interstate highways, provide water tight security and even build an additional airport if need be without having to wait on an unfriendly and overburdened federal government of Nigeria. Now is the time to start cutting loose from the shackles of overdependence. Of course no one said the challenges will be small. Not at all. But we have taken on bigger things.

We are still the same people who fought an existential war that took all we had and yet in no time have successfully rebuilt to become one of the biggest middle class societies in the world. It’s very clear to us that government can’t solve all our problems. What we are asking from you is to create an enabling environment where our vibrant private sector can step in and roar. The only thing we are waiting for at this point is your badly needed leadership.

Our current situation demands a clear vision and concerted effort. We need to harness best practices to increase internally generated revenues(IGR) and foster productive collaborations between the governments of south-eastern states. It may interest you to know you are leading a population a little, more than the size of Canada and four times bigger than the State of Israel. Even Ghana,our next door neighbor is a country of just 30 Million people ,yet they have gone on to do greater things. Truth is their is nothing we cannot do as a people here in Igboland if your excellencies are ready to lead the way.

Our region was once blessed with selfless and visionary leaders. Men like M.I Okpara and Chief Sam Mbakwe. Little wonder their memories are still constantly invoked and their deeds referenced many years after the fact. Today’s visionless and self-centered leadership is hanging on our neck like an albatross.

Many of our elected officials through misappropriation and in the name of security votes have bilked the region dry and amassed ridiculous personal fortune that leaves them with no joy and rest of mind. We rent crowds to reaffirm support for a very bad administrations and sing praises on the most hollow achievement. We ignore our best minds and endorse touts and criminals to represent us, just because they helped with our nefarious agenda. We move around in convoys of more than a dozen luxury automobiles, blaring sirens and disturbing the peace when many of our young people are roaming the streets, jobless. Do we care to know how they really feel or just relying on the reassuring words from our bevy of sycophants ? The moment we step into office, we start plotting to be the next VP or how to secure a seat in the red chamber after our term is served out. Of course no one is against anyone pursuing his dreams. It’s your God given right. But it should never be at the risk of sabotaging the future of millions of our people.

Your excellencies, we  watch with dismay and great indignation as your personal ambition for the most part colour your political calculus to the detriment of our people. The time for reckoning is not too far away!

As deplorable as some of the actions are, it will be unfair to just single you out for blame or lump you all together. Truth be told, some of you past and present have gone on to do great things with what you have. You know yourselves and no point naming names. The caterpillars of our commonwealth know themselves too. No need pointing fingers. To the extent that you are reflective of the horrific value system of the current society that produced you, we are all part of the problem. For much have been said of every society getting the leadership it deserves. That said, times are changing and the clock is ticking fast.

Creation of a South-East Regional Economic Development Council

We humbly suggest that you as a matter of urgency,set up such a body to come up with an economic blueprint to position our region for the future. We strongly emphasize Inter-state cooperation as a matter of necessity to be able to take on certain broader and capital intensive developmental projects needed to move the region forward. We will also recommend you select two persons from each state to be part of that body. One of such persons we believe ,should be an economic expert while the other is a policy expert ,all with a proven track record.

The terms of reference should be made to address the following:


How to improve existing or establish new inter-state roads and other critical Infrastructural necessary to ensure seamless movement of goods and services across our state lines. 

Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu


The best way to come up with an incentive to promote a private sector driven industrialization policy. Ndigbo cannot survive a post oil Nigeria without a solid industrial base. 


Explore energy alternatives outside of the national grid. A new industrial revolution will be almost impossible with the current power situation in Nigeria.


Propose effective ways to tackle security challenges complementary to what obtains at the moment. Progress and prosperity is impossible in an atmosphere of insecurity.


These are the critical areas we believe your excellencies should give priority. Obviously this is only but our humble contribution to the ongoing discuss. We all know our region is full of men with far superior intellect and better idea than just stated.

Hope Uzodinma

Nonetheless, we challenge you to reorient your goal and focus for the common good. Personal success cannot insulate you from the failures of your society and the joy of material things are only but temporal. True and lasting happiness comes from the service of humanity. Today we will remind you to honor your vow. To lead and to protect the Igbo nation.

God bless you all and may our future be worthy of our dream.


Dr.Osy Agbo (Okanga-Omenuko)

21/1/2020 is on a critical mission; to objectively and honestly represent the voice of ‘grassrooters’ in International, Federal, State and Local Government fora; heralding the achievements of political and other leaders and investors alike, without discrimination. This daily, digital news publication platform serves as the leading source of up-to-date information on how people and events reflect on the global community. The pragmatic articles reflect on the life of the community people, covering news/current affairs, business, technology, culture and fashion, entertainment, sports, State, National and International issues that directly impact the locals.

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World’s First Surviving Nonuplets Visits Italy To Appear On A TV Show



In December 2022, aged one and a half years old, the world’s first surviving nonuplets went on their first plane flight.
They travelled from Morocco, where they were born and lived for 19 months, to their parents’ home country of Mali.

And now, two months shy of their third birthday, the nonuplets have made their first trip to Europe, visiting Italy to appear on our televised talent show Lo Show dei Record!

We bet it feels so beautiful to see them all grow and wish them the very best 🥳

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Picture Of The 17-Year-Old Hawker Who Was Shot Dead By The Police, Which Led To Wuse Market Fire Saga Yesterday



Yesterday, Angry youths set parts of the popular Wuse market in Abuja on fire over the killing of a 17-year-old hawker simply identified as Musa.

The office of the Abuja Markets Management Limited (AMML) inside the market as well as some cars parked at the market’s car park were reportedly affected.

It was gathered that a suspect who was being tried at the mobile court in the market attempted to run away, but was allegedly shot and killed by the police.

A senior official of the AMML, who pleaded for anonymity, confirmed the incident.

He said the suspect was already convicted of a crime which was not mentioned and in the process of taking him to court for another offence, the boy bolted and tried to run when he was shot by the police. The AMML official said that was what provoked the attackers to burn down some shops, the office of AMML and some vehicles.

The situation caused a stampede in the market as people rushed to save their property.

It is not clear how many people were injured in the stampede as people scaled the fences while some pushed their way through the few gates available. But so many shops and goods got destroyed by the fire.

The After maths of the fire
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Court Case: Between Chioma Egodi And Erisco Foods, Still On The Defamation Of The Product “Nagiko Tomato Mix”



How Chioma Egodi’s False Accusations Prompted Erisco Foods to Defend Its Reputation.

On this matter, A social commentator by the name Ebuka Amos, Has this in writing;


Did Chioma Egodi Review Erisco’s Nagiko Tomato Mix or Was She On A Mission To Destroy Erisco Foods And Run It Out Of Business? Be The Judge

On September 17th, 2023, Chioma Egodi Jnr in a facebook post on her timeline made the following statement;

“I went to but (buy) Tin Tomatoes yesterday that I will use to make stew, I didn’t see Gino and Sonia, so I decided to buy this one, (referring to Erisco Nagiko tomato mix), I decided to taste it omo! Sugar is juat (just) too much! Haaa biko let me know if you have used this Tin tomato before because this is an ike gwuru situation!”

The said post generated lots of reactions from her followers and facebook users; below are some of the reactions:

One Blessing Okeke responded “Stop spoiling my brother’s product, if you don’t like it use another one than bring it on social media or call the customer service of Erisco Foods Ltd” Chioma Egodi Jnr, responded to Blessing Okeke by writing “help me advise your brother to stop ki***ing (killing) people with his product, yesterday was my first time of using and its pure sugar. Tueh!

Lets look at that response in a proper perspective. Is that response still product review or product destruction? She just alleged that Erisco’s product is killing people. This is a very serious allegation and where and how did she get the information that the product is killing people? (is this a product review?). Be the judge. More so,

One Amaka Love Amaobi responded by writing “my sister thanks for updating us Dalu nne” (now based on Chioma Egodi allegation, this person will never use Erisco’s products again and moreso, through the word-of-mouth advert which is the most effective form of advert, she will spread this allegation to multiples of people)

One Don Kashking responded: Pls can we now spoil the product? And Chioma replied him by stating “done already bro,…The above statement is a clear conspiracy from Chioma Egodi and syndicate to destroy, damage and wreck the brand, Ersico.

They have moved from product review to product destruction.

Apart from the comments above, there were many more comments suggesting that the Erisco Nagiko Mix is a bad product and people should avoid it. Interestingly, there were many positive reviews from some of the users of the products, who gave positive reviews of the products and blatantly condemned what Chioma Egodi was doing. They cautioned Chioma Egodi that what she was doing was not a review but deliberate act to destroy Erisco Foods and it’s products.

Chioma responded to them by the write up below;

“@followers about my post yesterday concerning the sugary Tin Tomatoes, my inbox has seen a lot ooo, pls help me tell these persons to avoid me. I only ask if anybody has used it to give their honest opinion but these people is attacking me on my inbox that I am spoiling business for their brother, pls it’s enough stop it. We can take this matter to court oo if you want.”

You can see that Chioma was the first person that talked about going to court.

So, why the outcry now that the matter is in court? Furthermore, an interesting observation from the conversations on the comments section of her post is that she abused those that had positive comments about Erisco Nagiko Mix and made thumbs up (supported) for those that criticized it.

More so, some people advised her to pull down the post that she’s destroying someone’s business but she blatantly refused. It became evident that the intent and purposes of Chioma Egodi was not to review the product but was out to destroy it.

It was further evident that she was hired to destroy the product using her platform. Erisco Responds To Chioma Egodi’s AllegationWhen the management of Erisco Foods Ltd was notified about the post by Chioma Egodi, they enquired from there customer relations department if there was any official complaint from her on their product, they found none. They reached out to Chioma Egodi through a third party requesting her to bring the product she claimed to buy for verification to ensure if wasn’t a fake one, but she declined.

The management had no choice than to defend its reputation as the tense situation already generated a campaign of calumny to boycott Erisco’s products.Prompt Corporate Response Erisco Foods, aware of the weight words carry in the digital era, especially when concerning public health, took these accusations seriously.

The company, recognizing the potential harm such statements could have on consumer trust and public safety, responded promptly. They maintained that their product was safe, adhering to all health and safety standards, and that Egodi’s claims were not based on factual evidence.

The company further reached out to Chioma Egodi to bring the used Tin of the Nagiko Tomato Mix she tasted that was full of sugar or send the product batch number and production date so that the company can be sure it was their product she was talking about and not a fake one. Chioma declined all entreaties. Erisco then decided to use the legal route to clear its name.

Legal and Police Involvement Given the gravity of the claim that a food product was endangering lives, Erisco Foods Management petitioned the Police on a complaint of Criminal Conspiracy, de-marketing and blackmail of killing people by an organized body. That’s how the Nigerian police became involved. The police invited Chioma Egodi for investigation on the strength of Erisco’s letter. Chioma Egodi’s Apology.

During the Police investigation, Chioma Egodi offered and penned a remorseful apology with a promise of retraction as well as posting the apology on her page.

“I sincerely wish to apologize to Erisco Foods Limited for the post I made on Facebook about their product Nagiko Tomatoes mix. I am truly sorry for the product. I am fully sorry sir. I regret my actions and wish to be forgiven. I pledge that this type of bad behavior will never happen again. I undertake to retract all my earlier post on this matter immediately. This is without any compulsion. I will do everything within my power to rectify the mistake and wrong concerning the matter. All the things I told wrongly about the damage done to the company, its customers and the general public. Once again, I am very sorry for the offense.”

Chioma Failed To RetractOn the grant of bail, Chioma failed to retract her false allegation and started a campaign of calumny against Erisco Foods, saying she was forced to write the apology. The implication of this is that she still stands by her statement that Erisco Nagiko Mix is killing people.

Evasion After Bail Recall that based on the understanding that Chioma will use the same medium she used to allege that Erisco Nagiko Tomato Mix was killing people, to use same medium to retract her statement, Chioma was released on bail with a condition she will be available to complete peaceful settlement process. Instead of following through with her obligations agreed on, she reneged on the conditions of her release and continually jumped bail given to her by the Police.

Severing ties with the lawyer who had initially represented her in Abuja, and a relation that signed her bail bond. Chioma turned to Inibehe Effiong, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and legal challenges in her wake.

She equally made herself incommunicado making it impossible for the police to serve her with the court processes and refused to appear in court severally, which prompted the Judge to mandate Inibehe Effiong to produce her in Court at the next adjourned date.

Affirmation of Product SafetyThe Nigerian regulatory agencies gave its update on the status of Erisco Nagiko Tomato Mix for consumption.

1. NAFDAC.NAFDAC with its mandate to safeguard public health released a statement: “Update on the Registration Status of Nagiko Tomato Mix. The product in question – Nagiko Tomato Mix by Erisco Foods Limited with NAFDAC Registration Number A8-7430 is a registered product. The formulation of tomato paste and ketchup products with sugar is safe for consumption.”

2. The Lagos State Government’s Consumer Protection Agency, LASCOPA, weighed in with its findings: in its public statement, “LASCOPA SAYS NAGIKO TOMATO FIT FOR CONSUMPTIONContrary to claims made by one Mrs. Chioma Egodi on Facebook about the state of a tin tomato product named NAGIKO Tomato Mix 400g, the Lagos State Consumer Protection Agency, LASCOPA has declared that the product is safe for consumption and does not pose any health hazard to the consuming public.

A statement signed by the General Manager of LASCOPA, Afolabi Solebo said the certification by LASCOPA about the product follows the outcome of the laboratory tests which the product was subjected to upon the complaint from the consumer.

According to him, to authenticate her claim, LASCOPA had embarked on an independent investigation by inviting Erisco Foods Limited, the producer of the product and Egodi to two different meetings held on the 3rd and 10th of October, 2023.

In his words, “The outcome of the meetings informed the decision of LASCOPA to request for samples of the product which were subsequently taken to the laboratory for test and analysis as well as to ascertain the conformity of the sets of parameters of the product samples to establish if the product is safe for consumption or otherwise”.

“It must be noted that two samples of the product were taken from Erisco Foods Company and another two sets of samples were obtained from a market survey by LASCOPA to balance and ensure a true reflection of the state of the product from both the company and the market.

“The laboratory analysis of the two sets of samples collected for Microbial and Physicochemical tests showed that the product passed all the tested parameters and it is safe for consumption based on the outcome of the test conducted”, he added.

Interestingly, the product has been in the market since 2010, duly certified by Standards Organisation of Nigeria and NAFDAC and no issue of complaint has arisen since inception.Wrong Perception in the Court of Public Opinion The case of Chioma Egodi versus Erisco Foods Limited reverberated through the court of public opinion, a forum often swayed by sentiment and emotions rather than facts.

The discourse surrounding the incident highlighted the need for a balance between freedom of speech and the accountability that must accompany public declarations, especially when they concern the health and well-being of consumers.

Now, we’re left with deep questions that touch our hearts and make us think about what’s really going on. Why is Chioma working so hard to ruin a company’s good reputation, a company that has been feeding countless families for years?What makes a person ignore the damage they could do to the people who rely on that company for their jobs?

It could be deduced from the foregoing that the goal was never to review the product, but instead about causing so much trouble that the company might close down?These questions make us think about the kind of community we want.

Do we want to live in a place where people can make big accusations without proof, putting hard work and jobs at risk? Or do we want a community where we solve problems by talking, looking at the facts, and finding the truth?

This story about Erisco Foods and Chioma isn’t just about a fight between a company and one person. It shows us what we value, what we stand for, and the future we want to create.

Let’s not get carried away by false claims and narratives. Instead, let’s look for the truth with open hearts and minds. It’s not just about Erisco; it’s about our honesty and how we care for our community.

Credit: Ebuka Amos, Social Commentator.

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