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Mbah Breaks 20-Year Old Water Jinx, Inaugurates Landmark Water Project

By: Staff Writer



Governor Peter Mbah commissions Enugu Water Project -
Governor Peter Mbah commissions Enugu Water Project -

…Builds 4.4MW gas plant to guarantee water supply

Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, has commissioned a 70 million litre per day water project in Enugu, saying his administration had raised potable water production capacity from the occasional 2 million litres per day to 120 million litres per day.

Commissioning the project known as the 9th Mile 24/7 Water Scheme on Saturday in fulfillment of his campaign promise to restore water to Enugu city in 180 days from the date of his inauguration, Dr. Mbah explained that the 4.4mw gas-powered plant built by his administration to supply power at the scheme would ensure uninterrupted water supply to Enugu residents.

Regretting the dire water challenges faced by Enugu residents before now, he said availability of potable water was consequential to his administration’s vision to raise the state’s economy from $.4.4 billion to $30 billion GDP in four to eight years.

“It was clear to us, that the status of water supply at the time was deplorable. At that time, there had been no reliable water supply in most parts of Enugu State for almost 20 years.

“One need not be a rocket scientist to discern that few investors will be attracted to the state under such dire circumstances, nor can existing businesses expand to generate additional jobs and economic growth. If anything, these conditions are suffocating businesses and households and leading to unnecessary suffering across the State.

“Faced with this fundamental issue, and considering the suffering of Ndi Enugu, it was only natural that we identified provision of water as one of our first targets in the drive to execute our mandate and social contract with citizens of Enugu.

“We also chose to give ourselves a target of resolving this challenge in 180 days not for the purpose of chest-thumping but rather because first, the issue is urgent. We did not want Ndi Enugu to suffer unduly for even one minute longer than avoidable, and, second, we saw this as an opportunity to galvanize Ndi Enugu for the tough tasks ahead and whip our administration into gear as quickly as possible,” he said.

Mbah recalled that the promise to provide potable water within the timeline of 180 days “triggered disbelief in most quarters and that is perhaps understandable, realising the countless successive, but fruitless attempts to address the problem.

“Happily, for us all, here we are, 180 days from that promise, commissioning this new ultra-modern water scheme with a capacity to deliver to businesses and families in Enugu 70 million litres of potable water daily and this is but the first phase. In a few weeks, we will also be commissioning new pumps in Oji water scheme to enable us to deliver another 50 million litres of water every day. This will give us a total daily delivery of 120 million litres in Enugu, about twice the daily demand of Enugu urban.

“We are currently supplying water at appreciable pressures to Enugu municipality and I can state here and now that pipe-borne water is here to stay,” Mbah said.

Governor Peter Mbah commissions Enugu Water Project -
The newly commissioned Enugu Water Project by Governor Peter Mbah

While acknowledging some challenges in the downstream part of the water supply, he stressed: “Of course, there are instances of burst pipes around the metropolis, but this was not unexpected, given the age of a number of our lines. However, these constitute but teething problems which we will surely surmount in a matter of weeks and constant water 365 days of the year will once again be a reality in Enugu.”

The governor equally assured that effort would be intensified to extend pipe-borne water to a number of major residential areas, which developed since the last major pipe-laying projects in Enugu.

“In addition, the towns outside Enugu also have varied degrees of water problems. Now that we can see the end of the water issues around Enugu urban, we must now refocus to address towns like Nsukka, Oji, Udi, etc.,” he said, urging the cooperation of the residents in the payment for services and protection of the facilities.

“Reliable water supply is not cheap! But I promise that this water will be far less expensive than what you are spending today on water tanker supply. We must be willing to pay for connection to the meters, which will be installed in our homes and businesses, and pay a fair monthly rate for the water we consume.

“Second, the infrastructure that we have put in place, from this scheme here to the pipes going into our various residential areas, belong to Ndi Enugu and must be optimised. We cannot afford for them to be vandalized or stolen! Therefore, we must consider it our duty to look after this infrastructure”, he said. is on a critical mission; to objectively and honestly represent the voice of ‘grassrooters’ in International, Federal, State and Local Government fora; heralding the achievements of political and other leaders and investors alike, without discrimination. This daily, digital news publication platform serves as the leading source of up-to-date information on how people and events reflect on the global community. The pragmatic articles reflect on the life of the community people, covering news/current affairs, business, technology, culture and fashion, entertainment, sports, State, National and International issues that directly impact the locals.


Ijesha Digital Innovation Hub Set to Graduate First Cohort Trainees



Ijesha Digital Hub --

Ijesha Digital Innovation Hub has announced the graduation ceremony of its first cohort of trainees.

The landmark event will take place on Monday, July 8th, 2024, starting promptly at 2:00 PM at the Royal Park Hotel on the beautiful campus of Olashore International School, Iloko-Ijesa.

In a press statement on Friday, Dr Adewale Alonge, Vice President, IGAD, said that after six months of intensive and globally benchmarked courses of study, “the hub is proud to graduate 48 trainees who have completed rigorous programs leading to certification in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and UI/UX Design. The graduating class includes 10 trainees in UI/UX Design, 23 in Cybersecurity, and 15 in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”.

The ceremony will feature a keynote address by Sir Aladekomo, Chairman of SmartCity Resorts Plc and Founder of Chams Plc, a pioneer in the Nigerian tech industry.

“The event will be chaired by Asiwaju Yinka Fasuyi, the esteemed Asiwaju of Ijeshaland, who will also deliver remarks celebrating the achievements of the graduates and the impact of the Innovation Hub.

“The media is invited to cover this significant event, which marks a new chapter for the 48 graduates as they embark on their professional journeys equipped with cutting-edge skills and knowledge. This graduation is a testament to the hub’s commitment to providing skills development training today so that participants can build tomorrow”, Dr. Alonge said.

The Ijesha Digital Innovation Hub, an initiative of the Ijesha Global Alliance for Development (IGAD), is dedicated to advancing the social, economic, and industrial development of Ijesaland in Nigeria. IGAD, a Florida, US-registered tax-exempt non-profit organization, mobilizes the resources and talents of Ijesas across the globe to foster the development of their homeland.

About Ijesha Digital Innovation Hub

The Ijesha Digital Innovation Hub is committed to equipping individuals with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital age. Our mission is encapsulated in our motto: “We provide skills development training today, so that you can build tomorrow.” #WeGuideTodaySoThatYouCanBuildTomorrow

About Ijesha Global Alliance for Development (IGAD)

IGAD’s mission is to mobilize the resources and talents of Ijesas across the globe to promote the social, economic, and industrial development of Ijesaland. IGAD is a registered tax-exempt, non-profit organization based in Florida, USA. IGAD’s Board of Directors, is chaired by Prince Bimbo Olashore, and it includes: Dr. Adewale Alonge, Pastor Laitan Obileye, Dr. Babatunde Ojo, Alhaji Lateef A. Bakare, Sir Ademola Aladekomo and Professor Olowookere.

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Increasing Security with VerifyNG: Revolutionizing facial recognition in Nigeria



L-r: Chukwu Didi Hart and Morakinyo Omotosho, Quantum Space Dynamics

Quantum Space Dynamics Inc. , a leader in AI and biometric, Machine Learning, and Big Data solutions, is making significant strides in enhancing security and user experiences in Nigeria.

Their pioneering product, VerifyNG, is a cutting-edge Facial Recognition Verification App designed to meet the rigorous demands of government agencies, financial institutions, healthcare providers, and businesses requiring robust enterprise solutions.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Security

VerifyNG utilizes advanced biometric technology to provide unparalleled security and streamline identity verification processes.

This innovative app offers an intuitive interface and streamlined verification process ensure a smooth and efficient user experience, minimizing onboarding times and enhancing customer satisfaction.

It ensures that only authorized individuals gain access, significantly reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.

Key Features of VerifyNG:

  • Advanced Facial Recognition: High accuracy and speed in verifying user identities.
  • Seamless Integration: Easy integration with existing systems and applications.
  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive design that ensures a smooth user experience.
  • Multi-Platform Support: Available on both mobile and web platforms for widespread accessibility.
  • Secure Data Handling: Adherence to the highest standards of data protection and privacy.
  • ID Profile Customizations: Allows users to build an Online ID Profile usable by various organizations.

Unique Selling Points:

  • High Accuracy: Utilizes cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to ensure precision in user verification.
  • Fast Processing: Provides a quick verification process, minimizing wait times for users.
  • Comprehensive Security: Features multi-layered security to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Customizable Solutions: Offers flexible integration options to meet the specific needs of various industries.

The core objectives of VerifyNG include increase Security: By employing facial recognition, VerifyNG aims to eliminate unauthorized access and reduce instances of fraud; enhance user experience: the app offers a seamless and swift verification process, making it user-friendly and efficient; expand market reach: VerifyNG targets sectors such as banking, healthcare, and government services that require high levels of security; and lastly, promote technological innovation: the app positions itself as a leader in biometric verification technology, setting new standards in the industry.

The designers of the solutions are targeting businesses including companies needing secure and efficient user verification processes; financial institution including banks and financial services requiring robust authentication methods; healthcare providers including medical facilities needing secure patient verification; government agencies including all public sector entities requiring secure access control and identity verification; and tech-savvy users including individuals interested in using the latest technology for security and convenience.

Quantum Space Dynamics Inc.: Core Services and Commitment

Quantum Space Dynamics Inc. specializes in biometric verification, machine learning, predictive analysis, and data security & governance.

With extensive experience servicing government and private entities in the US, the company is exploring opportunities to enhance security and service delivery across Nigerian organizations.

Commitment to Innovation and Collaboration

VerifyNG‘s commitment to innovation and its proven track record position the app as a leading player in the biometric verification market. “VerifyNG fosters a collaborative ecosystem, partnering with industry leaders and innovators to drive the development of cutting-edge biometric solutions,” said Chukwu Didi Hart, the company’s Chief IT Architect.

Addressing Security Challenges in Nigeria

VerifyNG seeks to address the numerous existing and emerging security challenges in Nigeria’s fast-growing digital economy.

“VerifyNG’s intuitive interface and streamlined verification process ensure a smooth and efficient user experience, minimizing onboarding times and enhancing customer satisfaction,” says Morakinyo Omotosho, Chief Marketing Officer at Quantum Space Dynamics Inc.

As VerifyNG continues to expand its reach and refine its technology, it sets new standards for security and user experience in Nigeria, paving the way for a more secure and digitally literate future.

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Financial Education: 8 Important Steps to Secure Your PalmPay Account




In today’s digital age, securing your financial transactions and personal information is more important than ever.

According to the 2023 NIBSS Annual Fraud Landscape report, incidents of “Fraud loss via Internet Banking increased by 325% between 2022 and 2023, with Mobile, Web and POS being the most exploited channels by fraudsters in the country.”

At PalmPay, we prioritise the security of our users’ accounts, ensuring that your financial activities are safe and secure. But we also require you to be informed on the right steps and actions to take to secure your account. Here are eight crucial steps to help you secure your PalmPay account:

  1. Create Strong Passwords

Passwords should be complex but easy to remember. To prevent your account from being hacked, use a complex password with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, for example (GOdsent123@) and avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays, pet names, names for passwords and numbers that appear in chronological order. 

At the minimum, we advise you to change your password across all your online platforms every 3 months.

  1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Where applicable, enable two-step authentication for your online banking to ensure an extra layer of security. Because this requires that a second form of verification is sent to your mobile device, it makes hacking your bank account difficult. Users of the PalmPay app can enjoy its built-in safety and security features.

  1. Monitor Your Account Regularly

Safety may begin with ‘S’ but it starts with ‘You’. The human component of safety is as important as the technology side. Bank security measures are not enough to protect your money; follow safety precautions to enhance your account security. You are less prone to financial attacks when you keep an eye on your bank statements and transaction history and immediately report any discrepancies to your bank customer support

  1. Do Not Disclose Your PIN, Password and OTP

Your PIN is called a Personal Identification Number for a reason. You must avoid sharing such and other sensitive information and be cautious about sharing your personal information online, especially on social media. Thread carefully when using a bank or making payments through a point of sale (POS). Always stay vigilant and watch out for possible irregularities while patronising POS agents.

In addition, don’t disclose your password and OTP (One-Time Password) to anyone.

  1. Regularly Update Banking Apps

Failure to regularly update your banking app leaves your account open to fraudsters. This is because the latest bank app updates often include security enhancements like PalmPay’s auto-logout feature. This security feature requires users to always input their PIN when they reopen the app after each logout.

  1. Check Your Transaction Again

We understand how busy we could be in our day-to-day activities but you can always take an extra to check your transaction details before paying. Avoid falling into the trap of erroneous transactions by having a second look at the transaction.

With the PalmPay app, you get a warning pop-up to confirm the transaction details before paying.

  1. Beware of phishing attempts

There are going to be numerous phishing attempts during this period. Be cautious about emails, messages, or phone calls asking for personal information. Do not click on links or download attachments from suspicious sources. Legitimate financial platforms like PalmPay won’t call, text or email requesting your personal information.

  1. Education, Education, Education

Educate yourself by staying informed about common scams and fraud tactics, and be cautious about clicking on links in emails or text messages, especially if they seem suspicious. We are big on financial literacy in PalmPay. Take advantage of our Wallet Safety Workshops to educate yourself on best safety practices via our social media platforms or website

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