Intersociety, CLO blast EEDC, accuse officials of engaging in criminal activities
The International Society for Civil Liberties & the Rule of Law (Intersociety) and Southeast Zone of the Civil Liberties Organization (Southeast CLO) have expressed deep concern “over the lawlessness and syndicated criminal activities going on in the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC).
Electricity as the livewire of the people of Southeast Zone or Igbo People of Nigeria and driving force of the economy of the Zone has been brutally denied the people of the Southeast.”
The two eminent rights groups made their feelings known in a joint statement entitled “Rescuing Igbo People from the Bondage of EEDC & Nefarious Conducts of its Ogbaru, Onitsha & Ogidi Business Districts”.
Issued recently in Onitsha, the statement was signed by Intersociety Board Chairman Emeka Umeagbalasi and Southeast CLO Chairman Comrade Aloysius Emeka Attah.
The statement further reads: “The social content of the power supply in the Zone (steady and affordable power supply, social convenience and happiness) is speedily on the brink; to the extent that criminal syndicates have taken over; running riot on vulnerable consumers in the Zone with reckless abandon. The oversight agencies and other mechanisms put in place to checkmate the excesses of the Company so as to compel same to do the needful and subscribe to its corporate social responsibilities; appear helpless or compromised. Such bodies like NERC and Customers’ Complaint Units look as if they have been perpetually infested by “EEDC virus”.
“As a matter of fact, EEDC has become an outlaw; flouting its terms of agreement with the Federal Government that led to granting of license to same to distribute and market power supply to the people of Southeast Nigeria. The most disastrous of it all is the reckless abandon and impunity with which EEDC breaches the clear provisions of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission Act (Electric Power Sector Reform (EPSR) Act No 6 of 2005).
“It is recalled that EEDC was formed in 2012 after its major investors successfully, if not controversially won a federal bidding license to take over the assets and liabilities of the defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) in Southeast Zone. Electricity in Nigeria is divided into generation, transmission and distribution with EEDC granted a federal license in the area of distribution to distribute and market electricity in Southeast Nigeria; a major industrial zone in the country.
“Major owners or directors of EEDC are: Mr. Emeka Offor (chairman), Senator Ken Nnamani (director), Prince Adetokumbo Kayode (director), Dr Stephen Dike (director), Mr Kester Enwereonwu (director) and Mr Amaechi Aloke (alternate director BPE-Rep). The Acting Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of EEDC is Mr. Paul Okeke. The Company has a 13-person Executive Management Team.
“Also, EEDC is presently divided into 18 Business Districts with six in Anambra; namely: Onitsha, Awka, Nnewi, Ogbaru, Ogidi and Ekwulobia Districts; four in Enugu: Awkunanaw, Abakpa, Nsukka and Ogui Districts; four Imo: Mbaise, Owerri, New Owerri and Orlu Districts; three in Abia: Ariaria, Aba and Umuahia Districts; and one in Ebonyi: Abakiliki District.
Today, EEDC has become a torn in the fresh of the people of the Southeast Nigeria. In all recent performance surveys of NERC and independent others carried out on all DISCOS in Nigeria, EEDC remains the least performing DISCO (Power Distribution Company) in Nigeria. The demand and supply content of EEDC is virtually nothing to write home about; other than robbing Peter to pay Paul and ripping from where it never sowed.
“Not only that industrial and non industrial consumers of EEDC are totally left to shoulder the responsibilities of procuring, installing and maintaining distribution transformers and their accessories, they are also over-billed, threatened, forced, despised and extorted. Customer service or public complaint response is provocatively and acutely slow and in the event of faults on transformers or feeder lines, it takes ages to restore same; except where the affected consumers are ready under duress to defray the costs of their repair or replacement. General power supply in the entire Southeast Zone is also acutely low or unsteady; with industrial growth and social living crashing irreversibly.
“Till date, EEDC has no acceptable standardised methods or processes of billing its customers especially the non industrial customers or consumers or single phase residential customers. The Company issues outrageous and crazy bills to its customers with reckless abandon and runs riot on those who pay half of the imposed monthly outrageous bill through violent disconnection of their power lines.
“In Anambra’s six Business Districts of Onitsha, Ogbaru, Awka, Ogidi, Ekwulobia and Nnewi, outrageous monthly bill of as much as N10,000 to N15,000 or more is now imposed indiscriminately and forced on each customer to pay. A consumer that pays half of the outrageous monthly bill so imposed (i.e. N5,000 out of N10,000 or N7,000 out of N14,000) instantly and violently stands disconnected; unless he or she pays fully what was imposed.
“Through this criminal method, EEDC illicitly rakes in tens, if not hundreds of millions of naira on monthly basis through the criminal disconnection. For “each of the single phase residential customers” or non industrial consumers (R2S), a mandatory fixed extortionist fee of N1,000 imposed as “reconnection fee”; for “each of the three phase customers” (R2T: CIT), N2,000 is imposed; for “each of the DITI customers (i.e. churches, hospitals and schools), N5,000 is imposed; and for “each of the maximum demand” or industrial customers, N10,000 is imposed.
“The indiscriminate issuance of outrageous and unmetered monthly bills has also led to high volume of accumulated arrears; running into tens, if not hundreds of thousands of naira for each of the affected consumers. This forms bulk of what EEDC tags “billions of naira unpaid bills owed EEDC by electricity consumers in Southeast”. In many residential areas, estimated monthly bill has become higher than monthly house rent.
“Despite the NERC’s clearly stipulated procedures for power line disconnection such as non disconnection of those that pay reasonable part payment; non disconnection of the entire residential building including where most residents have paid as well as ensuring proper issuance of pre disconnection notice to the affected customers, etc; EEDC has gone on rampage; disconnecting customers with reckless abandon; all with intention of intimidation, extortion and criminal enrichment. The Company has also introduced various methods of criminal disconnection alien to Nigeria’s power sector reform and its processes including total disconnection of a street or community transformer, disconnection of feeder line and disconnection of the entire residential building including where most residents have paid their bills.
“A clear case in point was on 30th November 2017, when the Network Manager for Ogbaru Business District, Engr. Obi Ughasoro ordered his field personnel to remove all fuses in the Mission Road/Chioma Hospital Bus Stop “33” Feeder Transformer; accusing the consumers in the area of “paying underpayment at flat rate of N5,000 per consumer; instead of paying average monthly estimated bill of N10,000 per customer”. The area is still in total darkness till date. Each consumer in the area is forced to pay monthly estimated bill of between N10,000 and N14,0000.
At Iyiowa Layout under the same Ogbaru Business District “33” Feeder Transformer, the story is the same, if not worse. This important area; with total of over 650 flat apartments, churches and 450 provision stores/vocational outlets including private hospitals and schools; have been thrown into total darkness for over 10 days or since 25th November 2017.
“The total darkness was effected from “33” Feeder Line disconnection ordered by the same Ogbaru Network Manager, Engr. Obi Ughasoro; accusing the area of “paying underpayment” in the out-gone month of November 2017. Till date, the area is still in total darkness with no traces of any major fault on the existing “33” Feeder Line or its Awada and GCM host stations. As if that was not enough, some churches in Ogbaru have their power lines disconnected few weeks ago; after being accused of “paying below their monthly bills”.
“There are existing NERC directives and billing methods for billing “single phase residential customers” in the entire 18 EEDC’s Business Districts in Southeast Nigeria. Such directives and billing methods include provision of prepaid meters or in the interim, billing of the referenced class of consumers especially those with malfunctioning meters and unmetered consumers using “average monthly consumption units of the functional post paid meters”; which has highest monthly average of 150 units per N30.93k or less than N4,700 per consumer.
“Conversely and sadly, EEDC not only observes these clear directives and streamlined billing methods in gross breach, but it also indiscriminately imposes and dishes out between 300 and 500 units monthly to each of its “single phase residential customers” in Southeast Zone especially in Ogbaru, Onitsha and Ogidi Business Districts; leading to issuance of monthly estimated bill of between N10,0000 and N15,000 to each consumer in the said 18 Business Districts of the Company. This amount excludes valued added tax or VAT. Consumers who pay half of this outrageous monthly bill instantly run the high risk of being violently disconnected.
“Criminal Syndicates In EEDC
“Criminal syndicates do exist in EEDC especially in Ogbaru, Onitsha, Ogidi, Nnewi, Ekwulobia and Awka Business Districts. They not only ensure that consumers especially the single phase residential customers are not appropriately metered through “prepaid meter system”, but also responsible for issuance of crazy or outrageous monthly billing and indiscriminate power line and transformer disconnection for sundry criminal penalties. Owing to a truism that prepaid metering is customer friendly, less stressful, cheaper and corruption unfriendly; these criminal syndicates have continuously flouted NERC’s directives and frustrated its efforts geared towards ensuring credible metering of consumers.
“The use of estimated and outrageous billing system and its accompanied disconnection method have become a goldmine for them; making them to smile to the bank every month with tens, if not hundreds of millions of naira being criminal proceeds from criminal power disconnection. The referenced criminal syndicates at EEDC especially in its six Business Districts in Anambra State; have further devised a sort of pre installation tempering of prepaid meters meant for single phase customers; whereby few prepaid meters installed are technically manipulated to run like those of “maximum demand” or “industrial customers”.
“In other words, it is designed in such a way that N5, 000 prepaid credit or card used with few electrical appliances runs the high risk of tapping out in less than two weeks. This latest criminal act is designed to scare away and discourage prospective prepaid meter applicants and perpetuate the old order of estimated billing and disconnection of power line and its associated sundry extortions.
“We had also in the course of our advocacy letters and written representations against the Ogbaru, Onitsha and Ogidi Business Districts and their Network Managers (formerly Business Managers) discovered another criminal syndicate with links inside the NERC headquarters in Abuja as well as at its Southeast offices and the Enugu Headquarters of EEDC.
“The criminal syndicate, oils by the trio of Ogbaru, Onitsha and Ogidi Network Managers and relevant others; specializes in removing letters filed against the named top EEDC officials from where they are officially or appropriately documented. The criminal syndicate also functions as “whistle blowers” or alarmists once the said letters arrived and filed at appropriate quarters, by alerting the said top officials to “take note” or “cover”; all for a monthly criminal token.
“For instance, our petition against the trio of Ogbaru, Onitsha and Ogidi Business Districts and their Network Managers; with Ogbaru Business District and its Network Manager as our case study was removed from the official file of NERC in Abuja. The letter was dated 10th November 2015. It was when we did not receive any signal from NERC that we sent a team with extra copy and discovered that our letter was removed from NERC official records. It took us time moving from department to another in search of the letter. This was after we got a proof of delivery from a courier agency, indicating its successful delivery to the intended recipient (NERC). We took time to re-submit same before we could be given response so required.
“Again, on 28th March 2017, we sent another petition against the Ogbaru Business District and its Manager, Engr. Obi Ughasoro to the Enugu Headquarters of EEDC. It was addressed to the then Managing Director/CEO of EEDC, Mr. Jayrahman (an Indian). The letter with a court affidavit was delivered personally by one of our lawyers, Barr Florence Akubuilo; with an extra copy duly stamped as “received”.
“We waited for months for Enugu EEDC response, all to no avail, forcing us to send another team to Enugu; only to find out that our letter was removed again from where it was officially filed and indented. Our team insisted on seeing the submitted original copy of ours, all to no avail. We were told that “someone must have removed it for someone” and that “it is a routine”.
“In all, the Ogbaru Business District under Engr. Obi Ughasoro (Network Manager) and his heads of Marketing (Mr. Emeka Udeh), Billing (Engr. God-Gift) and “33” Feeder Line Manager (Engr. Ifeanyi Eneh) as well as his Senior Manager for Distribution is a lawless Business District; with its major stock-in-trade being gross incompetence, extortion and criminal enrichment. The Onitsha, Ogidi and Ogbaru Business Districts are, therefore, the worst Business Districts in Southeast Nigeria.
“We therefore call on NERC and the Federal Ministry of Power to come to the rescue of the people of Southeast Nigeria and rescue them from perpetual bondage of EEDC. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission must, as a matter of fact, wake up from its slump and save the people of Southeast from nefarious conducts of EEDC. The National Headquarters of NERC should also carry a routine mass transfer of its personnel in the Southeast. This is given to clear indication that its said personnel now work hand in glove with EEDC; forcing consumers to groan endlessly and remain in perpetual bondage of EEDC.
“Removal Or Sacking Of Ogbaru Network Manager (Engr. Obi Ughasoro) & Co
The above highlighted despicable activities of the Ogbaru, Onitsha and Ogidi Network Managers and their subordinates; especially Engr. Obi Ughasoro of the Ogbaru Business District and his Marketing, Billing, “33” Feeder Line and Distribution Managers should be thoroughly investigated by the authorities of EEDC at its Enugu Headquarters; with appropriate sanctions meted; including removing or sacking them to deter others like them.
“Specifically, the Ogbaru Network Manager and his subordinates should be firmly and swiftly directed by their appropriate superiors at the Enugu EEDC Headquarters to restore power supply to all the disconnected power lines especially the Ogbaru “33” Feeder Line and discontinue all the nefarious conducts complained of; including indiscriminate mass disconnection and issuance of unmetered and outrageous monthly bills. EEDC must inexcusably provide un-tempered and NERC supervised and certified prepaid meters to all consumers in Southeast Zone especially single phase residential customers or residential and non industrial consumers.”

Boost for Nigeria’s Oil Production, As NNPC’s Utapate Crude Grade Hits Global Oil Market

…OML 13 Asset Eyes 80,000 bpd by End of 2025
In a major boost for Nigeria’s crude oil production, revenue generation and economic growth efforts, the NNPC Ltd has officially unveiled its latest crude oil grade, the Utapate crude oil blend, before the international crude oil market.
It would be recalled that in July, 2024, NNPC Ltd and its partner, the Sterling Oil Exploration & Energy Production Company (SEEPCO) Ltd introduced the Utapate crude oil blend, following the lifting of first cargo of 950,000 barrels which headed for Spain.
During a ceremony held at the Argus European Crude Conference taking place in London, United Kingdom, on Wednesday, the Managing Director, NNPC E & P Limited (NEPL), Mr. Nicholas Foucart described the introduction of the Utapate crude oil blend into the market as a significant milestone for Nigeria’s crude oil export to the global energy market.
“Since we started producing the Utapate Field in May 2024, we have rapidly ramped up production to 40,000 barrels per day (bpd) with minimum downtime. So far, we have exported five cargoes, largely to Spain and the East Coast of the United States; while two more additional cargoes have been secured for November and December 2024, representing a significant boost to Nigeria’s crude oil export to the global market,” Foucart told a packed audience of European crude oil marketers.
He added that since its introduction into the global market, the Utapate crude oil blend has enjoyed a positive response from the international crude oil market, due to its highly attractive qualities.
Foucart said the Oil Mining Lease (OML) 13, fully operated by NEPL and Natural Oilfield Services Ltd (NOSL), a subsidiary of SEEPCO Ltd, boasts a huge reserves of 330million barrels of crude oil reserves, 45 million barrels of condensate and 3.5 tcf of gas.
“We have a number of ongoing projects to increase our production from the current 40,000bopd to 50,000bopd by January 2025 and 60,000bopd to 65,000bopd by June 2025. Essentially, we are targeting opportunities to increase production to 80,000bopd by the end of 2025,” Foucart added.
He said the Utapate crude oil terminal is sustainable, affordable and fully compliant with the rigorous environmental regulations and sustainability principles especially those aimed at reducing carbon emissions and other ecological effects.
Also speaking, the Managing Director of NNPC Trading Ltd (NTL), Mr. Lawal Sade said the pricing structure of the Utapate crude oil blend is similar to that of Amenam crude as it is a light sweet crude which is highly sought after by refiners across the world due to its low sulphur content, efficient yield of high-value products, API gravity and other similarities.
He said in bringing the new crude oil blend to the global market, NNPC Ltd wanted to optimise value for both its producers and counterparties across the globe.
He added to ensure predictability and sustainability of supply, the NNPC Trading intends to run a term contract on the Utapate crude oil blend cargoes, principally targeting off-takers from the European and the US East Coast refineries.
Produced from the Utapate field in OML 13 in Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria, the Utapate crude oil blend is similar to the Nembe crude oil grade. It has a low sulphur content of 0.0655% and low carbon footprint due to flare gas elimination, fitting perfectly into the required specification of major buyers in Europe.
The NNPC E&P Ltd and NOSL partnership is also committed to operating in a manner that is safe, environmentally responsible, and beneficial to the local communities.
The Utapate field development plan, executed between 2013-2019 and approved in October, included converting wells and facilities from swamp/marine to land-based operations.
The plan involved a multi-rig drilling campaign for 40 wells and the development of significant infrastructure such as production facilities, storage tank, a subsea pipeline and an offshore loading platform to facilitate crude oil evacuation and loading.
The entry of the Utapate crude oil blend into the market is coming barely a year after the NNPC Ltd announced the launch of Nembe crude oil, produced by the NNPC/Aiteo operated Oil Mining Lease (OML) 29 Joint Venture (JV).
This remarkable achievement signals the commitment of the NNPC Ltd to increasing Nigeria’s crude oil production and growing its reserves through the development of new assets.
NNPC Ltd Set to Supply 100mmscf/d Gas to Dangote Refinery
…10-year Deal to Boost Local Production, Revamp Industrial Growth, reports Ikenna Oluka

The NNPC Gas Marketing Limited (NGML), a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited, has successfully executed a Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (GSPA) with Dangote Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemicals FZE.
The agreement, signed by the Managing Director, NGML, Barr. Justin Ezeala and the President/CEO of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote on Tuesday at the Corporate Head Office of Dangote in Falomo, Lagos State, outlines the supply of natural gas for power generation and feedstock at the Dangote Refinery, in Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos State.
This major milestone is in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s policy of utilizing Nigeria’s abundant gas resources towards revamping the nation’s industrial growth and kickstarting its economic prosperity.
This development, which sees a huge investment of this nature penned with zero capital expenditure (CAPEX) outlay, has been described by many as unprecedented in the history of NGML or any gas Local Distribution Company (LDC) in the country.
Under the terms of the agreement, NGML will supply 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCF/D), 50MMSCF/D being firm supply and the rest 50MMSCF/D interruptible natural gas supply to the refinery for an initial period of 10 years, with options for renewal and growth.
This collaboration is a significant step toward ensuring the operational success of the Dangote Refinery and enhancing Nigeria’s domestic gas utilization.
NNPC Ltd, through NGML, its gas marketing subsidiary, continues to lead efforts in promoting the use of domestic gas to support industries and businesses nationwide.
The agreement represents a milestone for both NNPC Ltd and Dangote Refinery, aligning with their shared commitment to boosting local production and providing vital products for the benefit of all Nigerians.
It is also a further proof of NGML’s unwavering commitment to business excellence and fulfilling NNPC Ltd’s core mandate of ensuring Nigeria’s energy security through the execution of strategic gas projects across the country.
AVEVA Unveils Key Learnings from its 2023 Sustainability Progress Report and first AVEVA Industrial Intelligence Index

AVEVA, a global leader in industrial software, launches AVEVA’s 2023 Sustainability Progress Report and the first edition of the AVEVA Industrial Intelligence Index at London Tech Week 2024 where the company advocates for an ethical and impact-driven AI aimed at increasing creativity and efficiency for a more sustainable world.
AVEVA 2023 Sustainability Progress Report: key learnings
In 2023, AVEVA continued to make progress on its core ESG framework objectives, including enabling the sustainable transformation of industry through its software, modelling environmental stewardship and ethical best practice, and fostering an inclusive workplace culture where every employee feels engaged and empowered to learn and grow.
This fourth edition of the report is AVEVA’s first publication of ESG data and workstream advancements aligned to a calendar year reporting period. It details progress made in 2023 to AVEVA’s three key pillars: Technology handprint, Operational footprint, and Inclusive culture.
Technology handprint
“Beyond our efforts to reduce our own carbon footprint, we recognize that our biggest opportunity to make a positive impact and accelerate our journey towards NetZero is through our core products, digital solutions that can help industries improve efficiency, circularity, traceability and resilience” declared Lisa Wee, Global Head of Sustainability, AVEVA.

With this regard, the company has developed a green new logo program that has supported in the first six months the deployment of clean tech activities for 25 customers. In addition, with 13 new case studies quantifying the reduction of emissions AVEVA software enables for customers, the company demonstrates how it walks the talk through tangible achievements contributing to sustainability. Last but not least, hackathons run in 2023 generated 80 sustainability-led technology ideas for future innovations.
2023 also saw the launch of AVEVA’s Sustainability Accelerator program the purpose of which is to advance sustainability use cases and capabilities across the company’s portfolio and partner ecosystem, including via AVEVA’s industrial intelligence platform, CONNECT.
“AVEVA’s Sustainability Accelerator program aims to enable faster uptake of existing sustainability solutions across the industrial landscape, while we continue to invest in product capabilities and partnerships that will push out the frontiers of sustainability innovation for industry” said Joana Mainguy, Director of Sustainability in charge of the program.
Finally, AVEVA has pioneered a new standard for green software: since the end of 2023, 31% of its portfolio has built-in power consumption measurement technology.
Operational footprint
In 2023, AVEVA met 4 out of the 15 2025 ESG targets including 93% reduction in scope 1 and scope 2 emissions through a combination of measures: the company procured 100% of renewable electricity in all global markets as per RE100 criteria, reduced its overall fleet of 21% over the year, and counted hybrid or electric vehicles for 25% of the remaining fleet. Notable achievements related to upstream emissions include a 36% decrease in purchased goods and services and a 49% decrease in business travel emissions. The latter goes beyond our 2025 ESG goal of a 20% reduction.
Regarding the scope 3, AVEVA has integrated e-waste data in the inventory under the waste category to report another significant achievement: “Our initial target of diverting 5 tons of e-waste from landfill in 2025 was surpassed by 22.75 tons in 2023. 100% of e-waste sent to our disposal partner is now diverted from landfill,” explained Lisa Wee.
Inclusive culture
AVEVA’s commitment to developing a workplace environment where all employees feel included and are treated with dignity and respect is also highlighted in the report.
“Globally, with 39.9% of new hires, 29% of managers and 26,5% of leaders being women, AVEVA has significantly increased gender representation in 2023 and will continue in this direction to raise these numbers to 50% of new hires, 40% of managers and 30% of leaders by 2030. Besides, we have reached our goal of less than 1% pay equity, and it currently stands at 0.5%”,commented Lisa Wee with enthusiasm. In addition, AVEVA demonstrated its commitment to society donating £ 310,000 to causes supported by AVEVA employees’ communities around the world.
AVEVA also achieved key milestones in regions: In the US, the company has developed a partnership with two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for an ‘AVEVA Scholars Program. Spanning three years, the program includes scholarships and immersive onsite experiences, ultimately paving the way for talented Black scholars in Engineering and Computer Science to join the AVEVA team upon graduation. The pilot will kick-off mid-June 2024 and count 12 students.
AVEVA INDUSTRIAL INTELLIGENCE INDEX REPORT: A 2-in-1 publication to report on industrial needs and to give guidance on existing solutions through inspiring examples of successful and sustainable digital transformation:
At London Tech Week 2024, AVEVA launched its first annual AVEVA Industrial Intelligence Index:
“AVEVA has been supporting the industrial world for more than half a century. Listening to our customers’ needs and understanding their challenges is how we innovate and develop tailored solutions that will help them cope with current and future challenges. With more than 25 000 customers across all industries, we have built a unique expertise. Today I’m delighted to introduce our first AVEVA Industrial Intelligence Index Report. Our ambition is to issue this report every year to help C-suite executives, business unit leaders, and strategic decision-makers leverage industrial intelligence and succeed in the digital age, with inspiring insights about how industries transform towards a more sustainable future” declared Caspar Herzberg, AVEVA CEO.
Drawing on research conducted with 500 global industry executives across Europe, North America and Asia Pacific, this first edition gives valuable and actionable insights into the power, manufacturing, infrastructure, and chemicals industries. Including comments from AVEVA’s experts and leaders, the report unveils macro trends and describes the forces that drive change and innovation. It also presents case studies showcasing successful digitalization initiatives, and strategies for driving innovation and efficiency to chart a course towards a more sustainable and profitable future.