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BREAKING: Presidency Fires Back at Obasanjo



… You are Ignorant, Lai Mohammed to ex-president

THE federal government has fired back at  ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo for critising President Muhammadu Buhari as well as advising him not to seek a second term in 2019.

Lai Mohammed, minister of information and culture, in his statement said Obasanjo was ignorant of Buhari’s achievements.

According to him, Obasanjo’s statement are mere distractions which portrayed him as not being aware of the damages done to the country by the government under former President Goodluck Jonathan.

He said his principal’s achievement in office were evident for all to see, especially in the economic, security and agricultural sectors.

Nigeria will not have exited recession if not for the ingenuity of the current administration, the minister said.

Full text of Lai Muhammed, Minister of Information’s ‘Missle’ to Ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo on his Buhari’s Poor Performance statement



WE have read the press statement by former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the State of the Nation.

For the record, Chief Obasanjo is a patriot, and he has proven this time and time again. We appreciate what he said concerning the Administration’s performance in two out of the three key issues that formed the plank of its campaign: Fighting corruption and tackling insurgency. Specifically, the former President said President Buhari must be given credit for his achievement so far in these two areas. We thank him for this.

Apparently, the former President believes that the Administration does not deserve a pass mark in the area of the economy, which is the third of our three-pronged campaign promises.

We have no doubt that in the face of massive challenges in this area, this Administration has availed itself creditably. We believe that Chief Obasanjo, because of his very busy schedule, may not have been fully availed of developments in the government’s efforts to revamp the economy, which was battered by the consequences of over-dependence on a commodity as well as unprecedented pillaging of the treasury.

Today, most of the indices by which an economy is measured are looking up. Permit me to say, however, that Nigeria would not have exited recession through a mere order or if the Administration had not made use of ”good Nigerians” who could help.

This Administration is making steady progress in its determined effort to revamp the economy, and the results are showing:

* Foreign Reserves have peaked at $40b, the highest level in about four years, and up from $24 billion just a year ago, even though when we came in, the price of oil had crashed woefully.

* According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBC), headline inflation has fallen for 11 consecutive months, standing at 15.37% as at Dec. 2017. This is the lowest inflation rate since Jan 2017, and it has met and surpassed the target set for inflation in the Administration’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP).

* Our determined implementation of the Treasury Single Account (TSA) has stopped the hemorrhaging of the treasury. Some 108 billion Naira has been saved from removal of maintenance fees payable to banks, pre-TSA. The nation is being saved 24.7 billion Naira monthly with the full implementation of the TSA.

*  The elimination of ghost workers has saved the nation 120 billion Naira

*   At about 1.8 billion dollars, the capital inflows in the second quarter of 2017 were almost double the $908 million in the first quarter.

*  In the wake of a stable Naira and increased investment inflows, Nigeria’s stock market emerged one of the best-performing in the world, delivering returns in excess of 40 percent.

*  Nigeria rose 24 places on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business ranking, and earned a place on the List of Top 10 Reformers in the world.

* According to Q3 2017 figures, agriculture export is up year-on-year by 25%, solid minerals exports are up year-on-year by 78%, raw materials exports are up 70% year-on-year and manufactured goods exports are up 22% year-on-year.

* Government agencies such as the Nigeria Customs Service are reporting highest-ever revenue collection, while JAMB, under the new management appointed by President Buhari in 2016, remitted N7.8 billion to the coffers of the federal government. The total amount remitted by JAMB between 2010 and 2016 was a paltry N51 million!

These positive indices may not have immediately impacted positively on Nigerians, but Nigerians will definitely get a new lease of life a short while from now. This is because the good news from the agricultural sector, which is recording a bumper harvest, will bring down the cost of foodstuffs, especially such staple as rice, and our massive Social Investment Programme will ease the pain of the most vulnerable in the society.

When we assumed office in 2015, some 6 million farmers were involved in rice production. Thanks to the Anchor Borrowers’ programme of this Administration, we have grown that number to over 12 million farmers. The result is that our rice import from Thailand alone has dropped from 644 metric tonnes to 22,000 MT in just two years. This is phenomenal.

Apart from rice, Nigeria is also doing well in other grains, especially Millet, Sorghum and Maize. We are now the second largest producer of sorghum after the US, the third in millet after India and our breweries are now enjoying local sourcing of those commodities.

For maize, we are producing 10 million tons while we need about 13 million tons for both human and animal nutrition. Nigeria leads the world in the yam and cassava production. We account for 70% of the world’s yam production. In two years, we hope to be the world’s largest exporter of yam! Overall, our ambition is that agriculture should rise from 25% to 40% of GDP, so that we can banish poverty and overcome our economic anxiety.

Our Social Investment Programme is Nigeria’s most ambitious social welfare programme ever. Currently, 5.2 million primary school children in 28,249 schools in 19 states are being fed daily; 200,000 unemployed graduates have enlisted into the N-power Job Scheme, and a quarter of a million loans already distributed to artisans, traders, and farmers.

Finally, our investment in infrastructure is simply unprecedented. This is because infrastructure is key to faster economic growth and development.

Here is a synopsis of what we have done in this area:

* Power Generation at an all-time high of 7,000mw and all can be transmitted

* RAIL: Lagos-Kano Standard Gauge is on. Lagos-Ibadan sector ready 2019, Kano-Kaduna ready 2019; The entire stretch ready 2021; Negotiations on for Coastal Rail covering 15 cities from Lagos to Calabar.

* ROAD: 25 major highways being funded with the N100b Sukuk Bond, and all geo-political zones are benefitting equally

This Administration is not unaware of the enormity of the challenges facing the nation, but we are up to the task. We have taken the bull by the horns, and long-suffering Nigerians will begin to experience a new lease of life as our efforts yield fruits. We will not go into a state of funk for whatever reason.

On the Herders/Farmers’ clashes, this Administration is determined to end the crisis resulting from this once and for all, not minding the fact that the clashes predate us. we urge Nigerians to have faith in the Administration’s ability to resolve the crisis, and to watch out for concrete measures in this regard.

On whether or not President Muhammadu Buhari should run for another term, it is true that many Nigerians have been calling on the President to run again, while others are opposed to his return. However, we believe this issue is a distraction for the President at this time. This is because Mr. President spends every waking hour tackling the enormous challenges facing the nation, most of which were bequeathed to his Administration by successive past Administrations.He is committed to fulfilling the mandate given to him by Nigerians in 2015. And that’s where we are right now!

Finally, we have no reason to believe that former President Obasanjo has any motive beyond the well-being of the nation in issuing his Special Press Statement. We have also taken his admonition in good faith, and we thank him most sincerely for taking time off his busy schedule to pen such a long statement. is on a critical mission; to objectively and honestly represent the voice of ‘grassrooters’ in International, Federal, State and Local Government fora; heralding the achievements of political and other leaders and investors alike, without discrimination. This daily, digital news publication platform serves as the leading source of up-to-date information on how people and events reflect on the global community. The pragmatic articles reflect on the life of the community people, covering news/current affairs, business, technology, culture and fashion, entertainment, sports, State, National and International issues that directly impact the locals.


Permanent Secretary of Defence Inaugurates PMS, ECM Core Teams

By Sandra Ani



Permanent Secretary of Defence PMS team
The newly inaugurated Project Steering Committee and Project Implementation Technical Team for the Performance Management System (PMS) and the Enterprise Content Management of the Ministry of Defence

…Says MOD has the infrastructure to make both systems work effectively

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence Dr. Ibrahim Abubakar Kana, has inaugurated the Project Steering Committee and Project Implementation Technical Team for the Performance Management System (PMS) and the Enterprise Content Management of the Ministry of Defence with a charge on the members of both Committees to make the Ministry shine.

Permanent Secretary of Defence
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence Dr. Ibrahim Abubakar Kana

Inaugurating the committee at the Ship house, Abuja, the Permanent Secretary said that the Ministry of Defence has the infrastructure and human resources that are experts to drive the process to success. “We have experts in the Ministry that can drive the process. We have Directors and Deputy- Directors from different departments who are experts and can help in cascading the processes down to other staff of the Ministry,” he said.

He therefore called on the Ministry’s Performance Management System (PMS) Champions to demonstrate unwavering commitment and excellence in driving service delivery and achieving set targets in line with the ministry’s mandate towards fulfilling the renewed hope agenda.

While he acknowledged that there might be initial hiccups, he charged the PMS Champions to be resilient in overcoming the initial challenges that may arise with the programme’s rollout and re-emphasized the need for a continuous  training. “In MOD, training is not going to be an issue. We can afford to be  organizing training on PMS and ECM every week.

Furthermore, Dr. Kana said that the PMS and ECM Champions are expected to lead the charge towards ensuring efficiency, productivity, and accountability across the Ministry, with the ultimate goal of achieving total compliance with government performance standards.

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Badaru Urges Graduates of Army War College to Uphold National Security

REPORTER: Sandra Ani



Honourable Minister of Defence, H. E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar
Honourable Minister of Defence, H. E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar -

… in line with Renewed Hope Agenda

The Honourable Minister of Defence, H. E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, has urged the graduating students of Army War College Course 8/2024 to uphold national security in line with the  Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR.

The Minister made the call during the graduation ceremony for the participants of Army War College Nigeria Course 8/2024 at Army War College, Abuja.

Honourable Minister of Defence, H. E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar -
Honourable Minister of Defence, H. E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, atthe graduating ceremony of Army War College Course 8/2024

The ceremony is a  celebration of the achievements of the graduates who completed 35 weeks of rigorous training in national security, military strategy, and operational art.

In his keynote address, the Minister who was the Special Guest of Honour commended the graduates for their dedication and perseverance throughout the course, emphasizing the significance of their newly acquired skills in leadership and strategic thinking.

He said: “It is a great honour to stand before you today at the graduation ceremony for the participants of Army War College Course 8/2024, I am privileged to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our graduates. Your journey to this moment involved 35 weeks of rigorous training, intellectual stimulation  and growth, as well as personal sacrifice. Today is a testament to your resilience and commitment to excellence.”

Addressing the graduates on their future responsibilities, the Minister highlighted the importance of their roles as operational and strategic leaders in Nigeria’s Armed Forces. “Today’s graduation marks your gradual transformation from tactical into operational and strategic level leaders. Leadership is the cornerstone of military service, extending beyond mere orders to inspiring and guiding others towards a common goal. As graduates of the Army War College Nigeria, you are now equipped with the tools that will enable you to lead and navigate the geostrategic landscape,” he opined.

The Minister encouraged the graduates to lead with integrity, courage, and compassion, reminding them of their pivotal role in addressing complex and ambiguous challenges:

“Gentlemen, the world is constantly evolving and the challenges we face are increasingly complex and ambiguous. As officers skilled in operational-level planning, you will encounter uncertain and often perilous situations. I thus encourage you to embrace these challenges with confidence, aptitude, and determination.”

Furthermore, Badaru extended his gratitude to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR for his support to the Nigerian Military and also acknowledged the sacrifices of the Chief of Army Staff, the College Governing Board, the Commandant, Faculty members, and families of the graduates.

He congratulated the graduates of the Army War College Course 8/2024, saying “Your future is bright, and I have no doubt that you will all serve our nation with distinction.”

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APRA Decries Terror Attack in Burkina Faso

… Spread of mpox in DRC and the frightening flooding in Sudan



The African Public Relations Association (APRA) has condemned the recent terror attack in the Burkinabe town of Barsalogho in the Sanmatenga Province of the Republic, which has killed so many people and injured scores of persons.

In a statement on Friday, signed by Dr. Omoniyi Ibietan, secretary-general, APRA, the body said it is greatly concerned about the increasing terror attacks in Burkina Faso and in other parts of Africa.

“The umbrella body of practitioners and  professionals of  public relations in  Africa hereby calls for the cessation of all forms of attacks, especially on unarmed people. We call for dialogue as a more civil approach to resolving conflicts instead of violent attacks leading to destruction and catastrophic outcomes that leave the continent more devastated.

“We  are  gravely disturbed by  this recent attack in  Burkina Faso, coming on  the  heels of  the  death of over 500 persons due to mpox scourge caused by the monkeypox  virus  ravaging  the  Democratic Republic of  Congo, DRC, the hotbed of  the health crisis; and the distressing floods caused by  the collapse of the Arba’ at Dam in the east of the Republic of Sudan, destroying or impacting about 70 communities and affecting telecommunication infrastructure and other utilities. These and many emergent humanitarian crises in Africa have been overwhelming enough for a great but challenged continent. Therefore, entrenched terror attacks can only worsen efforts at restoring the glory of the continent.

“As a body of communication managers, APRA iterates its call for increased, sincere and responsible conversation and concrete actions among state actors and other stakeholders in  Africa  to  address these and future challenges, many of which are heralded by warning signs. Therefore, APRA calls on the World Health Organisation (WHO) to resume strengthening collaboration with  the  government  and people of DRC because mpox is yet to be defeated as an existential global health issue.

APRA stands in solidarity with the Governments and people of Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Sudan. We  commiserate with those who have lost family members and friends. We also wish those injured and displaced speedy recovery.

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